Weddings and Baptisms at St Andrews
Weddings and Baptisms at St Andrews
St Andrew’s Church is a lovely setting for a traditional village wedding. If you are considering marriage please contact the minister by phone, email or letter.
Important information about weddings [here…]
In the Church of Scotland baptism may be offered to adults who have given their lives to Jesus as their Saviour and have not been previously baptised. Baptism can also be offered to children who have at least one parent or guardian who is an active member or adherent of a Christian church and can promise to raise their child in the regular instruction of the Christian faith.
Infant Blessing services: Some parents may not feel ready to make the spiritual commitments required for baptism, or may wish to leave the decision to the child him/herself later in life. In these circumstances, parents may still wish to celebrate the new life of a child before God and the church. A service of infant blessing allows the family and the church to seek, express and celebrate God’s love for the life of a child.
Dear Prospective Newlyweds,
Below is the information about marriage schedules which I give to every couple planning a wedding with me. Note that ‘officiating celebrant’ is simply officialese for ‘minister.’ Also, there are two documents with which you need to be concerned: the ‘Marriage Notice Form’ and the ‘Marriage Schedule.’ The first is the application for the second.
I would prefer that you got the Marriage Schedule to me before hand, but if you PROMISE that you or your fiance will have it with you and give it to me just before the service, I’ll trust you. Remember, however, that if you forget it, or leave it at the Registry Office or at home somewhere, and we don’t have it at the wedding, I will not be allowed to go ahead with the service. I could be prosecuted if I did go ahead with a service without a Marriage Schedule. So, you can probably guess that I won’t perform your marriage without one. I’m sending you this info. just to help clarify in your mind what has to happen. The following is from Church of Scotland Church Law regulations:
Each party to an intended marriage must obtain a “Marriage Notice Form” from a Registrar’s Office, and must send it, submit it in person, or see that it is given in, when filled in, to the Registrar for the District within which the marriage is to take place, along with the required fee and all necessary documentation as appropriate (e.g. Birth Certificate, Decree of Divorce, Death Certificate of former spouse, Certificate of no impediment for those domiciled outside the U.K.).
Normally the marriage notice should be in the hands of the Registrar about four weeks before the intended date of marriage or six weeks if either party has had a previous marriage. The minimum period of notice is fifteen days. The Registrar will then prepare the Marriage Schedule which must be collected from the Registrar by one of the parties in person within seven days of the marriage.
The Marriage Schedule must be handed to the officiating celebrant on or before the day of the marriage. Without this Schedule a celebrant may not officiate at a marriage. A celebrant who does is liable to prosecution. After the marriage has taken place the Schedule, which will have been signed by the celebrant, the two parties, and the two witnesses, must be returned to the Registrar within three days.
Please pay close attention to the legal requirements above, but do not let that spoil your enjoyment of planning your wedding. I’ll look forward to meeting you in person one day!
Rev Dr John Sterrett, Minister, St Andrew’s Church, Golspie