Office bearers retiring – Tom and Mary MacRae

The congregation honoured and thanked Tom and Mary MacRae during a special moment in the worship service on Sunday, 15 May. Tom offered very dedicated and capable service as fabric convener for a number of years and Mary served for many years as clerk to the congregational board and as an elder on the session and presbytery elder. We are very grateful for their dedication to God and to our church. On behalf of the congregation the minister presented Tom with a set of golf balls and Mary with a scarf as tokens of our gratitude. God bless you Tom and Mary!

Class from Golspie Primary visit St Andrews Church

Mrs MacGruer’s class from Golspie Primary visited our church to learn about Christianity and Christian churches.  The messages from the class are clear …

“We learned about the communion table.”

“We learned about the graves in the graveyard.”

Suresh from Indian Village Ministries and family visit the Manse

The minister’s friends from days at Aberdeen University, Suresh and his wife Roja along with daughter Sophie and mother Vigea, came and stayed at the manse for the first time since the covid outbreak. We enjoyed catching up on news of India Village Ministries and renewing our friendship. Many thanks to those who donated financially to their ministry and food for their visit. God bless the Vemulapalli family (including their son Swithin currently training in Canada as a pilot).